Babies don’t arrive with instruction manuals. No matter what even reasonably skilled and well-meaning parents do, by the time you grow up, you are aware of things you wish they had done differently.

You may be very angry at your parents for their “failures” or completely sympathetic with them, but still, your job is to clear up whatever gets in the way of letting your true Self guide your life. That means learning to recognize and neutralize reactions that interfere with your life.

There are dozens of systems available to help you do the job and if you are reading this you have probably explored many of them. Logosynthesis, the system introduced in Letting It Go, is the easiest and most elegant I had experienced when I encountered it 10 years ago, after a 40-year career as a psychotherapist.

I was delighted recently when another author, who takes seriously the job of clearing away her old blocks, told me that she and a friend had been meeting weekly for over a year, using this book as a guide to continuing their self-development work. They had been exploring other tools when she bought a copy of Letting It Go, and then bought another for her friend.

The excerpt linked to this article has tips on using Logosynthesis, without professional help.

This paragraph is a comment I wrote about a passage on Page 115 of Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words (Rapid Relief with Logosynthesis®.) You can see the passage in the book. You can also see the excerpt here. This link will take you to, where I regularly publish comments on parts of this book. This is a site where authors share of their work. You can subscribe to my musings, there, as well as to the musings of many other authors. It’s a great place to learn about new books and I recommend that you visit.