My life is full of miracles and sometimes I don’t even notice them. But this week I did. Somehow, when we were teaching in Dallas, I started telling Judy’s story.
Judy was an abuse survivor who used her talent as a sculptress both to heal herself and to argue passionately for the protection of children in dangerous situations. Judy died 6 years ago and I still miss her. I worked with her for many years and she had a huge impact on my life.
During the conversation in Dallas I, mentioned that a videotape existed of Judy describing her artwork. The recording was made 13 years ago. Two people asked for copies of it.
I discovered only one copy in my files. The phone number for the business that owned the master tape did not work.
I found the original owner in the phone book. He had closed his business 7 years ago, and was about 3 days away from disposing of all the remaining masters.
The next day this kind man, George Kinzer, delivered the master tape to my door.
OK, that’s a minor miracle. The real miracle was the work that went into producing the recording. It starts with Judy’s survival and sanity. It continues with the impact her work had on the person who asked a TV news station to show the work. Then the TV station actually released the work to us! (A very rare occurrence.)
After the TV crew left, someone continued interviewing Judy and taping each statue and her description of it. All of the tape, some professional and some made with a home video camera, was given to George, who agreed to put it together for a nominal fee.
He worked on it for many extra unpaid hours, adding titles and enhancing and editing the home video. We distributed copies of the tape for educational purposes and then more or less forgot about it.
But there was a continuing problem. Judy’s voice was barely audible, and we did not have the technology to enhance it. We had to send written transcripts to make the tape usable.
The final miracle just happened. We were able to get the tape transferred to DVD so that we can easily make copies. When we received it, I reviewed it and with new technology Judy’s voice is audible.
I am willing to share copies of the DVD. However, BE WARNED! The 33-minute recording contains graphic images of extreme child abuse. It is emotionally challenging to watch — and I think, very important.
If you want a copy for educational purposes — your own education or, if you are a professional, to educate others — contact me directly. Laurie Weiss at Empowerment Systems .com [Close the spaces and change the at to @.] Or call 303-794-5379.
In the US, the cost will be $20 including shipping. Outside the US $25.
Another miracle to me is my complete recovery from my physical challenges of the summer. I am back in my exercise routine and I have even increased my strength in some areas. I feel wonderful.
Its fall in Colorado. We have been blessed with a tree full of Golden Delicious apples that I have been picking and giving away. By the end of the week we will be traveling again to spend time with our family.
I hope you are enjoying the miracles in your own life.
[tags]Sexual Abuse,Psychotherapy,Inner Child,Personal Growth,Abuse[/tags]
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