Experiencing abundance is about much more than money. I had a great lesson about that today. Yesterday, I discovered two major problems with my computer.

My first response was to panic, my second, just a few minutes later, was to go into Google and describe each of the problems. I was able to make sense of the results for one of the problems, but the other was extremely technical and I didn’t know the meaning of many of the words.

I decided I would address the problems today, but when this morning came, I started to panic again. I imagined trying to follow complicated instructions and was nearly in tears. Logosynthesis to the rescue. I said the first sentence using “these computer problems” as my trigger. When I took the time to breathe, I realized that the real trigger was “this fantasy that I have to do everything myself.”

I did all three sentences using the fantasy as my trigger and felt relaxed enough to do the other things on my schedule. I solved one problem following Google’s instructions. Then, I called Geek Squad. It took quite a while and the problem being managed by a second technician, but the problem was solved!

The abundance I needed was an abundance of help. When I was able to release my fantasy, I was able to find the abundance of help that I needed.

Embrace Prosperity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance” will help you get what you need too. Grab yours now!

This paragraph is a comment I wrote about a passage on Page 22 of Embrace Prosperity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance (Rapid Relief With Logosynthesis®) You can see the passage in the book. You can also see the excerpt here. This link will take you to Bublish.com, where I regularly publish comments on parts of this book. This is a site where authors share of their work. You can subscribe to my musings, there, as well as to the musings of many other authors. It’s a great place to learn about new books and I recommend that you visit.