Notes from my own journey
A very practical teacher taught my first metaphysical class about money. That is where I learned this affirmation and how to apply it. The affirmation changed my financial life:

Part of all I earn is mine to keep.

To experience the reality of this affirmation, save any amount of money in an interest-bearing account. Add to the account regularly. You could start by putting the equivalent of a single latte a week into the account.
When the interest is paid, withdraw the interest from the account and spend it consciously. Never spend the principal. I started this experiment over 30 years ago.
It started me on the road to financial independence. In about 1976 I started saving money in a savings account, and spending interest of about 89 cents per quarter — consciously!
By 1978 I had accumulated $1000 in the savings account and decided to really invest it — in a mutual fund. Knowing almost nothing about investing, I carefully chose the fund from the Forbes magazine conservative mutual fund honor roll. In a year later, I invested another $1000 and in 1980 I made my third and last $1000 investment in that fund.
I requested that the semi-annual dividends be sent to me, and not reinvested. I started getting payments of $100 per year, then sometimes $300 per year, sometimes more. I spent that money very consciously. My last check was for $783.84.
Since this was an experiment, I kept careful records of the results.
In the 29 years since I made my first investment, I have received and spent $16,564. The value of my original unspent principal, the unspent $3000, fluctuates with the stock market. My last statement says my mutual fund shares are worth $10,929.69.
This is a demonstration of several sound financial principles that can be explained at another time. To my naive self, it was like magic. Seeing was believing! I got to have my cake and eat it too!
It set the stage for other successful investments, and my openness to accepting financial advice from carefully chosen advisors.
It works. Try it for yourself.
One way to be happy with your life partner is to be very clear about your money situation. Being Happy Together: How to Create a Fabulous Relationship With Your Life Partner in Less Than an Hour a Week has a whole chapter about Money and Relationships.
[tags]Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Self-Improvement[/tags]