Are you someone who feels like no matter how much money you make you will never have enough? Leanne had a great job, was contributing to her savings and retirement accounts, but constantly worried about running out of money.
Instead of enjoying her life, she kept obsessing about how she could accumulate more. When we tried to figure out why she was so concerned about this, she told me how her father wanted her to marry a rich man who would take care of her.
Once we sorted this out, she learned to use the 3 powerful Logosynthesis sentences to reclaim her energy from her father’s messages and what they represented. While doing the process she realized that his hidden message was that she would never be able to take care of herself.
She reclaimed her energy from that message too. A few weeks later Leanne was relaxed and happily enjoying her abundant life.
Do you know the reason you worry about having enough money? If you are stuck in a low-paying -job, you may realistically need to figure out how to get more education or training to improve your situation. If you picture yourself stuck, you can use the sentences to take your energy out of the old picture and have it available to use in a better way.
Finding and deactivating the trigger for your fear of scarcity will help you feel better and make whatever changes you need to make. Read Embrace Prosperity and learn how.
This article is a comment I wrote about a passage on Page 27 of Embrace Prosperity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance (Rapid Relief With Logosynthesis®) You can see the passage in the book. You can also see the excerpt here. This link will take you to, where I regularly publish comments on parts of several of my books. This is a site where authors share of their work. You can subscribe to my musings, there, as well as to the musings of many other authors. It’s a great place to learn about new books and I recommend that you visit.