You continue to make up stories to make sense of the world throughout your life. Often the stories are linked together by a common theme.

If you were a child with an older sibling you often experienced not doing a task as well as someone else. The task might be climbing a tree or reading a story or making a peanut butter sandwich. The task doesn't matter, the experience of not doing things as well as someone else might lead to creating the story or belief, "I am not good enough."

That story is retold in a new format every time you have a challenge learning something new. The basic story and belief is automatically reinforced.

Fortunately, since you created the story in the first place, once you learn to notice telling it to yourself, you have the power to change it. Until recently, changing your story involved a complicated process of learning to focus and refocus on a different story and/or re-experiencing the painful emotions that led you to create the story in the first place.

The Logosynthesis process you learn in this book is a very powerful way to help you change your story, permanently!

This paragraph is a comment I wrote about a passage on Page 67 of Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words (Rapid Relief with Logosynthesis®.)

You can see the passage in the book. You can also see the excerpt here. This link will take you to where I regularly publish comments on parts of this book. This is a site where authors share of their work. You can subscribe to my musings, there, as well as to the musings of many other authors. It’s a great place to learn about new books and I recommend that you visit.