Does the description “one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the brake” resonate with you?

The woman who described her conflict about earning money described it that way. She had the potential to earn lots of money and a limiting belief that rich people are pushy, self-centered and dishonest.

A man agreed that the description applied to him too. His conflict was different though. He owned a business designed to be profitable but his belief that money doesn’t buy happiness kept him from making important business decisions. He feared that if he had money, he wouldn’t be happy.

These limiting beliefs are conclusions you reach, usually when you’re a child, from your own life experiences. Even when you recognize a belief as no longer useful and want to get rid of it, it tends to be sticky. There are lots of different theories about what to do to drop those beliefs. Many of them don’t work.

As one author titled his book, “If How-to’s Were Enough, We Would All Be Skinny, Rich and Happy.” As a psychotherapist, I spent 40 years using the best strategies I knew to help clients drop those beliefs. The process was often long and painful.

Then I learned the process we teach in this book to dissolve those beliefs that keep you stuck. I had trouble believing how quick and easy it was, but it really did work.

Read this book and experience it yourself! Free yourself to enjoy prosperity now.

This article is a comment I wrote about a passage on Page 15 of Embrace Prosperity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance (Rapid Relief With Logosynthesis®) You can see the passage in the book. You can also see the excerpt here. This link will take you to, where I regularly publish comments on parts of several of my books. This is a site where authors share of their work. You can subscribe to my musings, there, as well as to the musings of many other authors. It’s a great place to learn about new books and I recommend that you visit.